Speaker – Curtis Jones (The Art of Simplicity – A Minimalist Approach to Creating Stronger Images)


May 14, 2024    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Presentation Outline

Learn to use the creative techniques of minimalism to intentionally account for every inch of your frame. Discover how to minimize clutter, work with negative space, and master visual balance to boost the overall impact of your compositions. Working in a clean visual style you will learn to look for strong anchors, shapes, and lines while eliminating visual distractions.

Curtis will share his experiences and images from some of the world’s most remote destinations to help kick-start your journey toward simplified, cleaner photographs that capture the essence of our world.


Curtis Jones is a Canadian outdoor and adventure photographer who spends most of his time in climates rarely inhabited by people. Working for both the private and public sectors, his portfolio spans environmental initiatives, literacy programs, Canadian National Parks, tourism, and food sustainability. Collaborating with adventure athletes, production teams, and local communities, he has built his career delivering an intimate view of the raw, wild, and often untamed. A seasoned photography guide, Curtis is often found leading photography workshops in Greenland, Antarctica, Mongolia, and Newfoundland – sharing his appreciation for photo adventures, tents, and solid punchlines with others.

Social Media

Website:      https://www.curtisjonesphoto.com/

Facebook:    https://www.facebook.com/CurtisJonesPhoto

Instzgram:  https://www.instagram.com/cjonesphoto/


Please Note: These are scheduled as online meetings and a Zoom link will be sent out a day or two in advance of the meeting.  Duration of the meetings will normally be an hour and a half, unless otherwise posted.

Guests:  There is a $10.00 charge for attending meetings where we have a guest speaker.  You can register for the event by clicking on the Booking button below.  You will receive a follow up email with the aforementioned link to the meeting.  Thank You!



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