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A Welcoming Place!

5 star rating
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Excellent programs, warm-friendly vibe.

I attended an informative online photography talk on Bird Photography and decided to join since most of their meetings are over Zoom and membership gives you access to an extensive Members-only collection of previously recorded speakers. 

For anyone committed to elevating their photography, membership is well worth it.  I participate in a small online evaluation group with seasoned photographers who provide constructive feedback on my beginner-level images. 

The online special interest groups on Flower and Landscape Photography helped me develop and the club outings provide an opportunity to practice with skilled photographers. It's great to have the security and companionship of fellow members.

One of the tremendous strengths of the club is the welcoming and friendly members.  The long friendships that have evolved in the club are remarkable and there's a warm and friendly vibe that really appeals to me.
Margaret Hall - Member for 2 Years

Five Star Rating!

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5 star rating
Joining the Toronto Digital Photo Club has introduced me to a vibrant photographic community which provides both inspiration and collegiality. Monthly talks by renowned national and international photographers, frequent outings to explore diverse landscapes as well as regular competitions, give both novice and experienced photographers the opportunity to bring their skills to new levels.

I have particularly enjoyed the special interest and evaluation groups which offer individual feedback with more in-depth instruction and discussion on specified topics. These group meetings have enhanced not only my skills but also my creativity. 

I would strongly recommend joining the TDPC for any photographer seeking a dynamic hub for inspiration and growth.
Jeff Berger - Member for 3 Years

Lots of Opportunities!

5 star rating
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5 star rating
Since joining TDPC in 2010, I have had the chance to share and learn with members of diverse photographic interests, and I have benefited from exposure to the exceptional talent pool within this club.

I have taken advantage of many of the club’s programs: my Evaluation Group, where I receive helpful feedback on my images; the Special Interest Groups that focused on topics such as Lightroom, Photoshop, Street Photography, Landscapes, Macro Photography and Monochrome Imaging; the Club Outings, that introduced me to a variety of new locations and subjects to photograph while in the pleasurable company of fellow club members; the Competitions, where I received critiques on my images from the judges; and, the Speaker Presentations, that were both educational and entertaining. 

I also volunteered my time in helping to run the Club. I served on the Board of Directors, including a term as president, and afterwards I did a turn as chair of the Program Committee.

The TDPC experience has been and continues to be very good for me. I encourage prospective members to join the Club and take advantage of the opportunities available here to enhance your photography skills!
Tony Scopazzi - Member for 14 Years

Always Learning!

5 star rating
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TDPC did not save my life but it did save my photographic hobby. I have been around cameras most of my life; anyone remember Cibachrome?  Yes I am an Advanced Senior Citizen 🙂
But like many, my interests changed over the years and I largely became a snapshot shooter. Then I met Roger Correia, when we were both hike leaders with the Rouge Urban National Park. He suggested I should join TDPC and combine my interests.
Unlike many members, I was immediately interested in competitions …not because I am competitive but because they were a platform for trying to elevate my images …to improve my craft, to compete with myself.

And then I discovered the evaluation groups…mine is social and fun but I have learned so much more from looking at other’s often gems, sometimes
hidden in the rough and more often than not, inspiring.
Yes I enjoy many of the club presentations and I have participated in a few Special Interest Groups and frankly not enough outings but I truly love the hands on, immersive aspect of photography that for me is often solitary with a connection to the beautiful world we live in.
TDPC members have inspired me and the club has given me a reason to create and showcase images that otherwise would remain as dull raw files, hidden on a hard drive never to be seen again.
Larry Durst - Member for 9 Years

Latest News

V.L. Richards 2024-2025 Trophy Winner (Monochrome)
Competitions & Clinics

V.L. Richards 2024-2025 Trophy Winner (Monochrome)

 The results of the above competition were announced at the club meeting held on March 18, 2025. This trophy was donated in 1983 by Mrs. Richards in memory of her husband, V.L. Richards, a Past President of the club.  The Trophy is awarded annually to the single highest scoring image in the Rotating Theme Competition. […]

Nancy Fairley 2024-2025 Trophy Winner (Photo Essays)
Competitions & Clinics

Nancy Fairley 2024-2025 Trophy Winner (Photo Essays)

The results of the above competition were announced at the club meeting held on March 4, 2025. A silver cup, donated in 1977 by Nancy Fairley, a Past President of the TDPC, is awarded for the best digital photo essay in the Photo Essay Competition. This year, 6 members participated in the competition.     […]

TDPC Newsletter – March 2025

TDPC Newsletter – March 2025

In This Issue Message from the Club President TDPC Bulletin Board Meeting: Nancy Fairley (Photo Essays) and Richard Wolf (Altered Reality) Competitions Results Submission Deadline:(V.L. Richards (Monochrome) Competitions TDPC Outing to The Silver Shack CAPA SALON My Photography Journey, by Lorne Rose  TDPC Honours Awards Photography Tips: Photography in Snow – Tips to Help You […]



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