How the judges will view images for online judging

Judges will be viewing the images in a web browser on their own computers. They are required to use calibrated monitors so we know there will be consistency in what they view.

The images will have a dark grey background, which is important to know because members may want to prepare their digital images with outlines differently than in the past when we displayed the images against a black background.

Here are two sample images that show how they will appear to the judges:

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 8.25.40 AM

Vertical imageScreen Shot 2015-09-20 at 8.25.00 AM

In order that our members know how their images will appear to the judges, we are providing the judges and you with this standard monitor image.
Be sure to adjust your monitor so that you are able to see the full range of black and white and that the dress does not have blown out highlights. It is recommended that you calibrate your monitor using a calibration device such as a ColorMunki or Spyder.

File to Set up color


You can download a full size version of the above image for your calibration / verification purposes here.  Once the image opens, save it to your computer.

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