This trophy was donated in 1983 by Mrs. Richards in memory of her husband, V.L. Richards, a Past President of the club.  The Trophy is awarded annually to the single highest scoring image in the Rotating Theme Competition.

The Board of Directors will select the theme annually, rotating among a list of established themes.  For 2024-25, the theme is "Monochrome Photography" in photographer’s choice of subject matter.

Monochrome Photography Definition

Acceptable Images

  • Black & white images which may use varying shades of neutral gray
  • Images in a single colour only and using a range of tones of that color, no other hues are to be included in the image
  • Sepia Tone and other single tone colour images


Unacceptable Images

  • Monochrome images that contain a spot of colour or selective colour treatment


Digital Competition Submission Requirements

Subject: Photographer's Choice
Format: Digital Images only
Comments: You may request judges' comments on up to 3 images
Number of images: Up to four(4). Note: You should consider submitting multiple images since a minimum number of overall submissions are required to qualify for year-end Photographer of the Year awards. For details, please refer to the Competition Program document in the Club Library.
Digital Image Sizing: Either the width or the height must be exactly the maximum of 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels high; maximum file size 3 MB

Image Categorization

Images submitted to Photographer's Choice Competitions require the entrant to categorize their images as either Pictorial or Natural Things in order to be considered for the two Photographer of the Year Trophies:

  • The Jonathan Ward Nature / Natural Things Photographer of the Year Trophy and
  • The John Allman Pictorial Photographer of the Year Trophy


Nature / Natural Things category includes:

  • Plants and Fungi - includes wild or cultivated flowers and plants photographed in a controlled environment or in the wild. Controlled environments include studios and indoor settings.
  • Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Invertebrates - includes animals, birds, marine life, insects and domestic animals photographed in a controlled environment or in the wild. Controlled environment includes zoos, conservancies, aquariums, reptile centres, safaris, urban settings, etc.
  • Landscapes, Seascapes, Geological Formations and Night Sky - includes weather phenomena, geological formations, landscapes, seascapes, natural phenomena. Cityscapes are excluded.
  • Hand of Man – The presence of “hand of man” is allowed in all categories


Pictorial category includes all other subjects e.g. still life and tabletop photography, food, man-made objects, transportation, urban or rural life. 

The highest scoring images in each division (Novice, Intermediate and Advanced) will receive a placement certificate (Honourable Mention, Runner Up and Winner).  The trophy runner-up and winner will be awarded to the two highest scoring images in the competition overall, regardless of division.

Digital File Specifications

  • Must be saved as jpeg (.jpg) using the sRGB color space
  • Filenames of images to be uploaded may ONLY contain letters, digits, spaces, period(.), underscores(_) or dashes(-).  No other punctuation is allowed in the filename OR the path or name of its folder
  • You MAY include special characters and punctuation in the image’s TITLE
  • The TITLE may not contain the name of the maker, nor may it appear on an image or the front of a print being submitted. The TITLE will be presented to the judges


Granting of Rights to the TDPC for these images

By clicking on the submit button below, I acknowledge and agree to grant the following rights to these images:

  • The submitter warrants that they are the rightful owner and exclusive author of the image and grants the following non-exclusive rights and permissions to the TDPC
  • The submitter agrees to have their images or prints displayed for judging and for presentation at club meetings
  • The images conform to the club's acceptable content policies
  • The submitter agrees to have their images (including digital images of prints) put on the club website as required
  • The submitter agrees to have their images (including digital images of prints) published in News and other club media


Enter the Competition

Submission deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 @ 10:00 pm.

If you have any questions or encounter issues please contact the Competitions Committee at

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