This Sandbox area will be used periodically for photo challenges.  Let your IMAGINATION run wild!

Theme for this Challenge:

What I did this Summer  (Presentation Date - November 14, 2023)

Your challenge:

  • We expect that many club members took advantage of a “post-Covid” summer to get out and take more photos
  • Have a look through your recent photos which illustrate what you did (or saw) this summer
  • Or, get out shooting and create some new ones before we get much further into autumn
  • Each image should have a title and be accompanied by a few sentences telling us something about the image
    • (e.g. the subject, the activity, why you chose this image, or whatever you wish to share)

Upload up to 3 images using the Upload form below.  Enter the Title for your image and your Descriptive Text in the spaces provided.
Deadline for submission is October 29th @ 10:00 p.m.


File Specifications: JPG format; either the width or the height must be the maximum of 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels high; maximum file size 3 MB, SRGB colour space.

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