Below is an overview of each of the club's trophy competitions held throughout the club year.  It outlines the subject matter requirements, image specifications and file specifications to be followed.  Check out the list of talented past winners!

Digital File Specifications

  • Must be saved as jpeg (.jpg) using the sRGB color space
  • Filenames of images to be uploaded may ONLY contain letters, digits, spaces, period(.), underscores(_) or dashes(-).  No other punctuation is allowed in the filename OR the path or name of its folder
  • You MAY include special characters and punctuation in the image’s TITLE
  • The TITLE may not contain the name of the maker, nor may it appear on an image or the front of a print being submitted. The TITLE will be presented to the judges


Sizing: Either the width or the height must be exactly the maximum of 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels high; maximum filesize 3 MB


Freeman Patterson Trophy - Photographer's Choice Competition

Freeman Patterson TrophyThe Freeman Patterson Trophy was established in 1978 by the club in recognition of contributions to our club by Freeman Patterson, a Past President and Honourary Life member of the TDPC.  The subject matter is photographer's choice.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.

Restriction: For this competition only, zoology images (e.g. mammals, birds, fish, insects, etc.) are NOT allowed.

Freeman Patterson Trophy - Photographer's Choice Competition - Past Winners

1977-1978 Ralph Brunner
1978-1979 Evelyn Ricker
1979-1980 Jeanette Dunke
1980-1981 Leonie Martin
1981-1982 Maureen Mitchell
1982-1983 Phyllis Reeser
1983-1984 Ralph Brunner
1984-1985 Phyllis Reeser
1985-1986 Robert Zakrison
1986-1987 Aileen Coles
1987-1988 Bruce Mills
1988-1989 Stuart Freedman
1989-1990 Stan Bain
1990-1991 Judy Robertson
1991-1992 Martina Thomson
1992-1993 Judit Gaal
1993-1994 Barry Aravandino
1994-1995 Sandy Bell
1995-1996 Nancy Mungall
1996-1997 Stan Bain
1997-1998 Stan Bain
1998-1999 Avi Cohen
1999-2000 Stan Bain
2000-2001 Avi Cohen
2001-2002 Norman Riekenbrauck
2002-2003 Kathy Keates
2003-2004 Philip Sun
2004-2005 Catherine Hatsios
2005-2006 Nella Pascal
2006-2007 Joan Bennett
2007-2008 Philip Sun
2008-2009 Tony Florio
2009-2010 Robert Zakrison
2010-2011 Kulvinder Singh
2011-2012 Robert Robson
2012-2013 Roger Leekam
2013-2014 Sunchie Yang
2014-2015 Missy Mandel
2015-2016 Hong Zhang
2016-2017 Missy Mandel
2017-2018 Missy Mandel
2018-2019 Theresa Moore
2019-2020 Missy Mandel
2020-2021 Bruce Haar
2021-2022 Pat Zuest
2022-2023 Luba Citrin
2023-2024 Roger Correia


Harry Cartner Trophy - Intermediate Photographer's Choice Competition

This is a trophy donated in 1999 by Harry W. Cartner, a Past President and Honorary Life Member of the TDPC.Harry Cartner Trophy

This Competition is open to INTERMEDIATE Members only and the subject matter is photographer's choice.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.



Harry Cartner Trophy - Intermediate Division Competition Past Winners

1999-2000 Barbara Bender
2000-2001 Norm Riekenbrauck
2001-2002 Norm Riekenbrauck
2002-2003 Lance Gitter
2003-2004 Bob Artinger
2004-2005 Barry Stoch
2005-2006 Jim Robertson
2006-2007 Michael Scheinert
2007-2008 Andrew Mielzynski
2008-2009 Al Ginsberg
2009-2010 Alexander Rocco
2010-2011 Roger Leekham
2011-2012 Robert Robson
2012-2013 John Allman
2013-2014 Arjuna Somaskandan
2014-2015 Arjuna Somaskandan
2015-2016 Theresa Moore
2016-2017 Theresa Moore
2017-2018 Katie Mak
2018-2019 Bruce Haar
2019-2020 Robert Rutkay
2020-2021 Hanson Cheng
2021-2022 Jordan Cait
2022-2023 Martin Romain




Kay McGregor Trophy - Nature Competition

Kay McGregor Trophy

A silver bowl, donated by Mrs. H. R. (Kay) McGregor in 1954, is awarded for the best aggregate score of each member's three highest scoring nature images, of which no more than two images may be in any one category.

Nature Definition

Submissions for the competition are open to images that depict nature subjects not produced by man.  Evidence of the “hand of man” and man’s specialized environment is to be avoided.  The accurate record of the subject is the primary objective; however, every effort should be made to use the highest levels of artistic skill in Nature photographs.

Please note: As of the 2023 - 2024 club season, the list of categories members can choose from when entering both Nature and Natural Things competitions has been expanded, as follows:


  • Plants
  • Fungi
  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Reptiles, Amphibians or Fish
  • Invertebrates (i,e insects, corals, etc.)
  • Landscape & Seascape 
  • Geological Formations
  • Night Sky

Each member is limited to four images. Members may distribute their four images among the categories, as they wish, however, no more than 2 entries can be submitted to the same category.

Category Definitions

Birds, Invertebrates, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and MammalsAnimals must be photographed in the wild and cannot be reliant on humans for food or shelter or wellbeing. Hand of man is acceptable if the element is pertinent to the story and only forms a minor part of the image. Cultivated plants, scientific bands, and radio collars are acceptable.

Plants and Fungi - This includes images that portray uncultivated plant life such as trees, flowering and non- flowering plants, ferns, algae, etc. in their natural habitat. Images of domestic plants, artificially produced hybrid plants, flower arrangements, cultivated plants, etc. are ineligible. Hand of man is acceptable if the element is pertinent to the story and only forms a minor part of the image.

Landscape, Seascape, Geological Formations and Night SkyImages in which animals and plant life are the main subject are excluded from this category. No hand of man, animate or inanimate is allowed.  Cityscapes are excluded

Use of Photo Techniques and ModificationsPhoto techniques and modifications are allowed as long as the image appears natural looking. 

Nature Images – Restrictions

Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The storytelling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality.

Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves.

Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible, but the presence of tethers is not permitted, nor is the removal of them in post-processing.

Photographs of human-created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. 

Digital Realism

Digital images in Nature Photography must adhere to the definition of Digital Realism. The competitions committee retains the right to request the original RAW or JPG file for purposes of determining the eligibility of submitted photos. If the maker is unable to provide the requested original image(s), the competitions committee has the authority to disqualify such images(s) from the competition.

Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content of the main subjects, such as HDR, focus stacking, panorama stitching and dodging/burning, are permitted.

Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Softening backgrounds and minor cloning of background elements are also allowed.

All allowed adjustments must appear natural. Colour images can be converted to greyscale / monochrome. Infrared images, either direct-captures or derivations, are not allowed.  Please refer to the chart here to determine the allowable editing adjustments.

Nature Titles

Titles for nature images are traditionally governed by different rules than pictorial or photographer’s choice categories.

For nature competitions, the title of the photograph must identify the subject by its common or Latin name. Do not use “pictorial” or “cute” titles such as “little green plant” or “Jolly Green Giant”. “Bald Eagle” is better than “Eagle” which is better than “bird in tree”.



The Kay McGregor Nature Trophy - Past Winners

1954-1955 Mary Furguson
1955-1956 Janet Goodwin
1956-1957 Leslie Tucker
1957-1958 Mary Furguson
1958-1959 Reg Corlett
1959-1960 Blanche Burton
1960-1961 Russell Gee
1961-1962 A.G. Austin
1962-1963 Mary Furguson
1963-1964 Audrey Burnard
1964-1965 Blanche Burton
1965-1966 Freeman Patterson
1966-1967 Russell Gee
1967-1968 Tom Webb
1968-1969 A.G. Austin
1969-1970 Harold V. Green
1970-1971 Ted Maginn
1971-1972 Tom Webb
1972-1973 Helen Hancock
1973-1974 Ted Maginn
1974-1975 Betty Greenacre
1975-1976 Not Awarded
1976-1977 Ralph Brunner
1977-1978 Mary Clark
1978-1979 Ralph Brunner
1979-1980 Daphne Svenningson
1980-1981 Betty Greenacre
1981-1982 Ralph Brunner
1982-1983 Pauline Brunner
1983-1984 Mary Furguson
1984-1985 Not Awarded
1985-1986 Pauline Brunner
1986-1987 Robert Zakrison
1987-1988 Barrie Aravandino
1988-1989 Helen Ricker
1989-1990 Guenter Sperling
1990-1991 Harry Cartner
1991-1992 Pauline Brunner
1992-1993 Harry Cartner
1993-1994 Judit Gaal
1994-1995 Daphne Svenningson
1995-1996 Avi Cohen
1996-1997 Avi Cohen
1997-1998 Avi Cohen
1998-1999 Judit Gaal
1999-2000 Avi Cohen
2000-2001 Avi Cohen
2001-2002 Kathy Keates
2002-2003 Avi Cohen
2003-2004 Norm Riekenbrauck
2004-2005 Norm Riekenbrauck
2005-2006 David Leung
2006-2007 Avi Cohen
2007-2008 Tony Florio
2008-2009 Jonathan Ward
2009-2010 Jack Bennett
2010-2011 Jack Pasht
2011-2012 Jack Pasht
2012-2013 Jack Pasht
2013-2014 Missy Mandel
2014-2015 Pat Zuest
2015-2016 Pat Zuest
2016-2017 Katie Mak
2017-2018 Katie Mak
2018-2019 Gord Sawyer
2019-2020 Missy Mandel
2020-2021 Katie Mak
2021-2022 Not Awarded
2022-2023 Lidia Brandes


Lance Gitter Trophy - Natural Things Competition

This trophy was donated in 2014 by Lance Gitter, an Honourary Life Member of the TDPC.  The subject is Natural Things. The Trophy is awarded for the best aggregate score of each member's three highest scoring images, of which no more than two images may be in any one category.

Natural Things Definition

The representation of the natural world is the primary objective of the Lance Gitter Competition. The story telling value of an image must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. 

This competition is intended to be a category of nature images that represent natural things without the restrictions of a pure nature competition.

Any image that fails to meet the criteria or any submission that contains more than two images in a category will be declared ineligible and will be disqualified from the competition.

Category Definitions

Please Note: As of the 2023 - 2024 club season, the list of categories members can choose from when entering both Nature and Natural Things competitions has been expanded, as follows:


  • Plants
  • Fungi
  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Reptiles, Amphibians or Fish
  • Invertebrates (i,e insects, corals, etc.)
  • Landscape, Seascape
  • Geology
  • Night Sky

Each member is limited to four images. Members may distribute their four images among the categories, as they wish, however, no more than 2 entries can be submitted to the same category.

Plants and Fungi - includes wild or cultivated flowers and plants photographed in a controlled environment or in the wild. Controlled environments include studios and indoor settings. 

Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Invertebrates - includes animals, birds, marine life, insects and domestic animals photographed in a controlled environment or in the wild.  Controlled environment includes zoos, conservancies, aquariums, reptile centres, safaris, urban settings, etc.

Landscapes, Seascapes, Geological Formations and Night Sky - includes weather phenomena, geological formations, landscapes, seascapes, natural phenomena.  Cityscapes are excluded.

Hand of man

The presence of the "hand of man" is allowed in all categories. 

Photo Techniques and Modifications

Photo techniques and modifications are allowed as long as the image appears natural looking.  Please refer to the chart here to determine the allowable editing adjustments.  


Lance Gitter Trophy - Natural Things  - Past Winners

2014-2015 Janice Balesic
2015-2016 Missy Mandel
2016-2017 Gord Sawyer
2017-2018 Lorne Rose
2018-2019 Lorne Rose
2019-2020 Lorne Rose
2020-2021 Not Awarded
2021-2022 Katie Mak
2022-2023 Not Awarded


Naomi Cohen Trophy - Landscape Competition

Naomi Cohen Trophy

This trophy was donated in 1999 by Avi Cohen, a Past President of the TDPC, in memory of his sister. This competition is for landscape photos. Awards are based on the best aggregate score of each member's three highest scoring images in the Competition.

Landscape Definition

Expanses of scenery that can be seen in a single view - includes landscapes and seascapes

  • No Night Sky photography
  • No Cityscapes
  • Can include people or HOM as long as the expanse of scenery is the primary subject
  • Digital manipulation is allowed if the end result appears natural to the eye
  • No restrictions on techniques, either in camera or post-processing (as long as the image appears natural looking)




Naomi Cohen Trophy - Landscape Competition - Past Winners

1999-2000 Stan Bain
2000-2001 Kathy Keates Hardy
2001-2002 David Leung
2002-2003 David Leung
2003-2004 Colin Angus
2004-2005 Barbara Bender
2005-2006 Ching Leung
2006-2007 Christine Edwards
2007-2008 Stan Bain
2008-2009 Barbara Bender
2009-2010 Jack Pasht
2010-2011 Avi Frank
2011-2012 Alexander Rocco
2012-2013 Kulvinder Singh
2013-2014 Luba Citrin
2014-2015 Kulvinder Singh
2015-2016 Hong Zhang
2016-2017 Kulvinder Singh
2017-2018 Pat Zuest
2018-2019 Robert Robson
2019-2020 Lidia Brandes
2020-2021 Lorne Rose
2021-2022 Larry Durst
2022-2023 Lidia Brandes



Lorne Rose Trophy - Architecture Competition

This trophy, was donated in 2018 by Lorne Rose, a member of the TDPC.  The subject matter is Architecture.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.

Architecture Competition Definition
(Approved by the Competitions Committee, February 2023)

  • The intention of this competition is to provide an opportunity for members to compete with images that show the architectural features of the structure, as envisioned by the architect, in their “best light”.
  • This competition is limited to images of any architectural man-made structure. Examples: building exteriors/interiors, bridges, piers & architectural details (as long as they show the work of the architect not that of a visual artist). Architectural details, in this context, refer to an image which shows only a portion of a building or man-made structure.
  • The building or structure may be part of a landscape or cityscape, but the building or structure should dominate the image. Any image in which the man-made structure is secondary to the scene and/or shows little detail of the architecture would not qualify for this competition (for example, a lighthouse or barn far off in the distance).
  • People or animals may be included to indicate scale, provided they are not the centre of interest.
  • Digital manipulation is allowed as long the result is an image in which the architecture appears to be a natural image of the scene with no obvious manipulation. Removing minor imperfections, dodging, burning, altering contrast, replacing the sky (including a black sky/background) and altering the image colour is allowed. Any image which has been manipulated to the extent that it alters the reality of the man-made structure should be submitted to the Altered Reality competition or the Photographer’s Choice competitions.




Lorne Rose Trophy - Architecture - Past Winners

2018-2019 Claude Sassoon
2019-2020 Craig Woods
2020-2021 Howard Lipman
2021-2022 Lorne Rose
2022-2023 Tony Scopazzi





Richard Wolf Trophy - Altered Reality Competition

Richard Wolf Trophy

This original glass sculpture trophy, donated in 2003 by Richard Wolf, a former Member of the TDPC.  The subject matter is open.  Any and all digital techniques may be used.  Judging will take into consideration the creativity, as well as the photographic quality of the image.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.

Altered Reality Definition

Altered Reality images for the purposes of the Richard Wolf Competition, are images that clearly do not look like anything one might actually see. The image must begin as the maker’s photograph of a real subject, whether captured digitally or scanned from a negative or slide.

In this competition you are encouraged to exercise your imagination and stray as far from that real subject as you like, using design elements, colour and light in non-traditional ways to produce abstract, impressionistic and experimental effects not achievable by standard photographic means. You may do this with in-camera techniques and/or also by manipulating your images afterwards using digital post-processing software.

Artwork and computer graphics created by the member can be incorporated as long as the photographic content predominates. Merely using these techniques is not enough, however; they must be used artfully to produce an effective image. Therefore creative photography has these elements — new composition, altered reality, and emphasized alteration.

Examples of creative techniques include: panning, zooming, lens distortion, special effects filters, montages, creative collages, strong Orton effects, multiple exposures, posterization, diffraction, “black light”, bas relief and unusual/unrealistic colorization.

Examples that would not be acceptable in this competition are: images that are merely black-and-white, infrared, or sepia, or images merely captured from an unusual angle or with a fisheye lens, unless something more has been done to the image to exaggerate the effect or combine it with other effects.

The title is an important component of the evaluation process. Without suitable titles, judges may be at a loss to understand what the image is about – substantially harming its impact. You are encouraged to assign image titles that will assist the judges in assessing the subject or purpose of your image, or in an imaginative manner that will contribute to the creativity of the image presentation.



Richard Wolf Trophy - Altered Reality - Past Winners

2003-2004 James Knowles
2004-2005 Nella Pascal
2005-2006 Nella Pascal
2006-2007 Barbara Bender
2007-2008 Barry Stoch
2008-2009 David Forgay
2009-2010 Lance Gitter
2010-2011 Roger Leekham
2011-2012 Robert Zakrison
2012-2013 Luba Citrin
2013-2014 Luba Citrin
2014-2015 Luba Citrin
2015-2016 Pat Zuest
2016-2017 Luba Citrin
2017-2018 Luba Citrin
2018-2019 Roberto Veloso
2019-2020 Roberto Veloso
2020-2021 Luba Citrin
2021-2022 Ann Alimi
2022-2023 Lance Gitter



Robert L. Zakrison Trophy - Themed Competition

Robert Zakrison Trophy

This is a trophy donated in 2003 by Robert L. Zakrison, an Honourary Life Member and Past President of the TDPC.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.  The Board of Directors selects the theme annually.

The theme for the 2024-25 Club Season is: "Climate Change". 

Climate Change Theme Definition

Images are subject to the maker’s interpretation but should reflect, either the adverse effects of climate change on humanity, wildlife or the eco system, or the efforts underway being used to counteract climate change (i.e. solar power panels, wind turbines, etc.).

There are no date restrictions as to when the image may have been taken.




Robert Zakrison Trophy - Themed Competition - Past Winners


2004-2005  Norman Riekenbrauck
2005-2006  Miriana
2006-2007  Reimar Gaertner
2007-2008  Reimar Gaertner
2008-2009  Barbara Bender
2009-2010  Lance Gitter
2010-2011   Lance Gitter
2011-2012  Kulvinder Singh
2012-2013  Lance Gitter
2013-2014  Jonathan Ward
2014-2015  Rita Wong
2015-2016  Pat Zuest
2016-2017  Hong Zhang
2017-2018  Roberto Veloso
2018-2019  Jacqui Jeruzalski
2019-2020  Lorne Rose
2020-2021  Luba Citrin
2021-2022  Lorne Rose
2022-2023  Larry Durst




Russell J. Gee Memorial Trophy - Novice Photographer's Choice Competition

Russell Gee Trophy

This is a silver rose bowl donated in 1968 by Mrs. Mary Gee in memory of her husband, a Past President of the TDPC.

This Competition is open to NOVICE Members only and the subject matter is photographer's choice.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.



Russell Gee Trophy - Novice Photographer's Choice Competition - Past Winners

1976-1977 John Jacouemain
1977-1978 Della Goodfellow
1978-1979 John Phoenix
1979-1980 Ewen Morrison
1980-1981 Paul Mitchell
1981-1982 James Webster
1982-1983 David Nicholls
1983-1984 Judy Rauliuk
1984-1985 Mabel Dunlop
1985-1986 William Dayton
1986-1987 David Blogg
2005-2006 Igor Baranov
2006-2007 Karen Beri
2007-2008 David Gibb
2008-2009 Rajunder Girn
2009-2010 Linda Tran
2010-2011 Paul Tralla
2011-2012 Sunchie Yang
2012-2013 Arjuna Somaskandan
2013-2014 Michelle French
2014-2015 Amos Cohen
2015-2016 Stephanie Swift
2016-2017 Katie Mak
2017-2018 Jacqui Jeruzalski
2018-2019 Mark Frankel
2019-2020 Michelle French
2020-2021 Jeff Berger
2021-2022 Paul Brown
2022-2023 Michael Salter




Stan Bain Trophy - Print Competition

Stan Bain Trophy

Established in 2004, this trophy was donated by Stan Bain, an Honourary Life Member and Past President of the TDPC, for excellence in printmaking. The subject matter of the Competition is photographer's choice. It is awarded to the highest scoring individual print in the Competition.

Print Competition Specifications

Subject: Photographer's Choice - specify Pictorial (PD) or Natural Things (NT) for End of Year Trophies
Format: Prints (must be accompanied by a digital file)
Comments: You may request judges' comments on up to 4 images
Number of images: 4
Print Image Sizing: Prints, including mount and/or mat, must have an area between 100 and 576 square inches unless otherwise specified. The short side of the print must be at least 10 inches long; the long side may be no more than 40 inches long.
Digital Image Sizing: Either the width or the height must be exactly the maximum of 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels high; maximum filesize 3 MB

Stan Bain Trophy - Print Competition Past Winners

2003-2004    Kathy Keates
2004-2005    Harry Cartner
2005-2006    David Leung
2006-2007    Avi Cohen
2007-2008    James Knowles
2008-2009    David Leung
2009-2010    Jack Pasht
2010-2011    Jack Pasht
2011-2012    Jack Pasht
2012-2013    Jack Pasht
2013-2014    Kulvinder Singh
2014-2015    Kulvinder Singh
2015-2016    Kulvinder Singh
2016-2017    Not awarded
2017-2018    Bruce Haar
2018-2019    Bruce Haar
2019-2020    Rachel Schneiderman
2020-2021    Not Awarded
2021-2022    Not Awarded
2022-2023    Not Awarded


Stuart Freedman Trophy - Advanced Photographer's Choice Competition

Stuart Freedman Trophy

This competition was established in 1992 by the TDPC, in recognition of Stuart Freedman’s contribution to our club and to the art and science of photography in general.  Stuart Freedman was a Past President and Honorary Life Member of the TDPC.

This Competition is open to ADVANCED Members only and the subject matter is photographer's choice.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.

Stuart Freedman Trophy - Advanced Photographer's Choice Competition Past Winners

1992-1993 Nancy Mungall
1993-1994 Judit Gal
1994-1995 Judit Gal
1995-1996 Nancy Mungall
1996-1997 Jack Houghton
1997-1998 Stan Bain
1998-1999 Avi Cohen
1999-2000 Harry Cartner
2000-2001 Robert Zakrison
2001-2002 Kathy Keates
2002-2003 Carol Rooney
2003-2004 Lance Gitter
2005-2006 Nella Pascal
2006-2007 David Leung
2011-2012 John Webb
2012-2013 Jack Pasht
2013-2014 Robert Robson
2014-2015 Lorne Rose
2015-2016 Luba Citrin
2016-2017 Missy Mandel
2017-2018 Missy Mandel
2018-2019 Missy Mandel
2019-2020 Gord Sawyer
2020-2021 Luba Citrin
2021-2022 Gord Sawyer
2022-2023 Pat Zuest




V.L. Richards Trophy - Themed Competition

This trophy was donated in 1983 by Mrs. Richards in memory of her husband, V.L. Richards, a Past President of the club.  The Trophy is awarded annually to the single highest scoring image in the Rotating Theme Competition.

About This Competition

The Board of Directors will select the subject annually, rotating among a list of established subjects.  For 2023-24, the theme is "Fine Art" in photographer’s choice of subject matter.

Fine Art Definition

Fine-art photography is photography created in line with the vision of the photographer as artist, using photography as a medium for creative expression. The goal of fine-art photography is to express an idea, a message, or an emotion.



The V.L. Richards Memorial Salon Trophy - Past Winners

1983-1984 James Webster
1984-1985 Phyllis Resser
1985-1986 Dorothy McNaughton
1986-1987 Phyllis Resser
1987-1988 Robert Kenna
1988-1989 Stan Bain
1989-1990 Stan Bain
1990-1991 Guenther Sperling
1991-1992 James Webster
1992-1993 Stan Bain
1993-1994 Barry Aravandino
1994-1995 Avi Cohen
1995-1996 Sandy Bell
1996-1997 Jim Richardson
1997-1998 Herta Ziemann
1998-1999 Andrew Lamm
1999-2000 Simone Koffman
2000-2001 Barbara Bender
2001-2002 Doug Wright
2002-2003 Barbara Bender
2003-2004 Phillip Sun
2004-2005 Norm RiekenBruauck
2005-2006 Miriana
2006-2007 Tony Florio
2007-2008 Not Awarded
2008-2009 Not Awarded
2009-2010 Not Awarded
2010-2011 Not Awarded
2011-2012 Not Awarded
2012-2013 Kulvinder Singh
2013-2014 Missy Mandel
2014-2015 Missy Mandel
2015-2016 Missy Mandel
2016-2017 Missy Mandel
2017-2018 Katie Mak
2018-2019 Missy Mandel
2019-2020 Anthony Schatzky
2020-2021 Larry Durst
2021-2022 Roger Correia
2022-2023 Lance Gitter




Nancy Fairley Trophy - Photo Essay Competition

Nancy Fairley Trophy

A silver cup, donated in 1977 by Nancy Fairley, a Past President of the TDPC, is awarded for the best digital photo essay in the Essay Competition. The conditions for this competition are set out in the TDPC Rules and Regulations Governing the Photo Essay Competition.  Please read this document carefully to ensure that your photo essay meets all the conditions for this competition.


Nancy Fairley Trophy - Photo Essay Past Winners

1976-1977 Ralph Brunner
1977-1978 Betty Greenacre
1978-1979 Maureen Mitchell
1979-1980 Margaret McGregor
1980-1981 Helen Ricker
1981-1982 Betty Greenacre
1982-1983 Marion Igelstrom
1983-1984 Judy Robertson
1984-1985 Bruce Mills
1985-1986 James Webster
1986-1987 Robert Zakrison
1987-1988 Robert Zakrison
1988-1989 Harry Cartner
1989-1990 Judit Gaal
1990-1991 Judit Gaal
1991-1992 James Webster
1992-1993 Judit Gaal
1993-1994 Stan Bain
1994-1995 Judit Gaal
1995-1996 Stan Bain
1996-1997 Stan Bain
1997-1998 Kathy Hardy
1998-1999 Kathy Hardy/ Andy Lamm
1999-2000 Stan Bain
2000-2001 Judit Gaal
2001-2002 Stan Bain
2002-2003 David Leung
2003-2004 Barbara Bender
2004-2005 Barry Stoch
2005-2006 Jack and Joan Bennett
2006-2007 Lance Gitter
2007-2008 Rachel Schneiderman
2008-2009 Barbara Bender
2009-2010 Tony Florio
2010-2011 John Bean
2011-2012 Lance Gitter
2012-2013 Stan Bain
2013-2014 Sunchie Yang
2014-2015 Lance Gitter
2015-2016 Pat Zuest
2016-2017 Not awarded
2017-2018 Not awarded
2018-2019 Not awarded
2019-2020 Lance Gitter
2020-2021 Not awarded
2021-2022 Not awarded
2022-2023 Not Awarded





Image of the Year Trophy

Image of the Year

Images that have placed in any of the TDPC competitions in the current club year (excluding the Photo Essay Competition) are eligible for the TDPC Image-of-the-Year Trophy .  This competition is not awarded by division (i.e. Novice, Intermediate or Advanced).  A Runner-up and up to three Honourable Mentions will also be awarded.


Image of the Year Trophy - Past Winners

2004-2005 Norm Riekenbrauck
2005-2006 Miriana
2006-2007 Barbara Bender
2007-2008 Tony Florio
2008-2009 Jonathan Ward
2009-2010 Alexander Rocco
2010-2011 Avi Frank
2011-2012 Lance Gitter
2012-2013 Jack Pasht
2013-2014 Missy Mandel
2014-2015 Missy Mandel
2015-2016 Hong Zhang
2016-2017 Theresa Moore
2017-2018 Roberto Veloso
2018-2019 Lorne Rose
2019-2020 Larry Durst
2020-2021 Larry Durst
2021-2022 Ann Alimi
2022-2023 Katie Mak





Ralph Yeoman Trophy - Novice Photographer of the Year

This trophy was first awarded in 1960.  It is awarded to the Novice Photographer of the Year. The award is based on the highest aggregate score of a maker's top five (5) competitions entered during the year.


Ralph Yeoman Trophy - Novice Photographer of the Year - Past Winners

1960-1961 Edna Bogart
1961-1962 Eve Lutjens
1962-1963 Elizabeth Raymer
1963-1964 Harry Hibbard
1964-1965 Amy Purvis
1965-1966 Dorothy McNaughton
1966-1967 Mary Duff
1967-1968 Betty Greenacre
1968-1969 Don Beaumont
1969-1970 George Bettson
1970-1971 Nancy Smith
1971-1972 Ruth Lathlean
1972-1973 Rae Carroll
1973-1974 Sheila Coulter
1974-1975 Mary Silverthorn
1975-1976 Maureen Mitchell
1976-1977 Gertrude Moulton
1977-1978 Lothar Schnorrbush
1978-1979 Harry Cartner
1979-1980 Judith Sher
1980-1981 Bruce Kennedy
1981-1982 Diane Best
1982-1983 Harold Oliver
1983-1984 Carole Kenna
1984-1985 Jean Millner
1985-1986 Barrie Aravanding
1986-1987 Guenter Sperling
1987-1988 Elizabeth Joslin
1988-1989 Stan Bain
1989-1990 Jack Houghton
1990-1991 Steven Crainford
1991-1992 Lorne Ordel
1992-1993 Doug Irwin
1993-1994 Albert Ginsberg
1994-1995 Bill Crowley
1995-1996 Bill Crowley
1996-1997 Kathy Hardy
1997-1998 Gerry Hucko
1998-1999 Carol Rooney
1999-2000 Andrew Gullen
2000-2001 Richard Wolf
2001-2002 Catherine Hatsios
2002-2003 Robert Artinger
2003-2004 Julie Waterhouse
2004-2005 Andrew Park
2005-2006 Michael Scheinert
2006-2007 Karen Beri
2007-2008 Harjit Singh
2008-2009 Daniela Negreda
2009-2010 Luc Tran
2010-2011 Irvin Benovich
2011-2012 Rodica Oancea
2012-2013 Luba Citrin
2013-2014 Marsha Fouks
2014-2015 Hong Zhang
2015-2016 Howard Lipman
2016-2017 Katie Mak
2017-2018 Jacqui Jeruzalski
2018-2019 Michelle French
2019-2020 Michelle French
2020-2021 Jeff Berger
2021-2022 Jeff Berger
2022-2023 Joanne McEwan





John Mackie Trophy - Intermediate Photographer of the Year

The John Mackie Trophy was donated in 1963 by John A. Mackie, a Past-president of the Club.  It is awarded annually to the Intermediate Photographer of the Year.  The award goes to the maker with the highest aggregate score in their top five (5) competitions entered during the year.



John A. Mackie Trophy - Intermediate Photographer of the Year  - Past Winners

1963-1964 Helen Ricker
1964-1965 Harry Hibbard
1965-1966 Ted Maginn
1966-1967 Terry King
1967-1968 V.L. Richards
1968-1969 Betty Greenpeace
1969-1970 A. Villeneuve
1970-1971 Emmy Nakai
1971-1972 R.M. Saunders
1972-1973 John Goldie
1973-1974 Richard Saunders
1974-1975 Herta Hajen
1975-1976 Rae Carroll
1976-1977 Maureen Mitchell
1977-1978 Mary Clark
1978-1979 Isabel Gammon
1979-1980 Daphne Svenningson
1980-1981 Daphne Svenningson
1981-1982 Gertrude Moulton
1982-1983 Bruce Kennedy
1983-1984 Judy Robertson
1984-1985 Geraldine Goodwin
1985-1986 Honora Zakrison
1986-1987 Barrie Avarindo
1987-1988 Guenter Sperling
1988-1989 Nancy Mungall
1989-1990 Stan Bain
1990-1991 Stan Bain
1991-1992 David Blogg
1992-1993 Adele Curry
1993-1994 Doug Wright
1994-1995 Sandy Bell
1995-1996 Avi Cohen
1996-1997 Avi Cohen
1997-1998 Kathy Hardy
1998-1999 Simone Koffman
1999-2000 Simone Koffman
2000-2001 Norm Riekenbrauck
2001-2002 Norm Riekenbrauck
2002-2003 Lance Gitter
2003-2004 Philip Sun
2004-2005 James Knowles
2005-2006 Nella Pascal
2006-2007 Kulvinder Singh
2007-2008 Kulvinder Singh
2008-2009 Harjit Singh
2009-2010 Alexander Rocco
2010-2011 Avi Frank
2011-2012 Robert Robson
2012-2013 John Pucic
2013-2014 John Pucic
2014-2015 Luba Citrin
2015-2016 Hong Zhang
2016-2017 Hong Zhang
2017-2018 Katie Mak
2018-2019 Bruce Haar
2019-2020 Larry Durst
2020-2021 Hanson Cheng
2021-2022 Leon Blum
2022-2023 Billy Shuster





Eastman Trophy - Advanced Photographer of the Year

The Eastman Photography trophy was donated by Eastman Kodak in 1977.  It is awarded annually to the Advanced Photographer of the Year.






Eastman Photography Trophy - Advanced Photographer of the Year - Past Winners

1977-1978 Ralph Brunner
1978-1979 Maureen Mitchell
1979-1980 Margaret McGregor
1980-1981 Helen Ricker
1981-1982 Ruskin Willcox
1982-1983 Marion Igelstrom
1983-1984 Daphne Svenningson
1984-1985 Maureen Mitchell
1985-1986 Robert Zakrison
1986-1987 Judit Gaal
1987-1988 Bruce Mills
1988-1989 Bruce Mills
1989-1990 Guenter Sperling
1990-1991 Judit Gaal
1991-1992 Judit Gaal
1992-1993 No winner
1993-1994 Judit Gaal
1994-1995 David Blogg
1995-1996 Judit Gaal
1996-1997 Stan Bain
1997-1998 Avi Cohen
1998-1999 Avi Cohen
1999-2000 Stan Bain
2000-2001 Kathy Hardy
2001-2002 Kathy Keates
2002-2003 Kathy Keates
2003-2004 Norm Riekenbrauck
2004-2005 Kathy Keates
2005-2006 Stan Bain
2006-2007 Avi Cohen
2007-2008 Barbara Bender
2008-2009 Tony Florio
2009-2010 Lance Gitter
2010-2011 Lance Gitter
2011-2012 Jack Pasht
2012-2013 Lance Gitter
2013-2014 Kulvinder Singh
2014-2015 Missy Mandel
2015-2016 Missy Mandel
2016-2017 Pat Zuest
2017-2018 Missy Mandel
2018-2019 Lorne Rose
2019-2020 Lorne Rose
2020-2021 Lorne Rose
2021-2022 Ann Alimi
2022-2023 Ann Alimi






John Allman Trophy - Pictorial Photographer of the Year

The John Allman Trophy was donated in 2016 by John Allman, a Past-president of the Club.  It is awarded annually to the Pictorial Photographer of the Year.  The award goes to the maker with the 18 highest scoring Pictorial images submitted during the year.


John Allman Trophy - Pictorial Photographer of the Year - Past Winners

2016-2017  Lance Gitter
2017-2018  Missy Mandel
2018-2019  Roberto Veloso
2019-2020  Lance Gitter
2020-2021  Luba Citrin
2021-2022  Ann Alimi
2022-2023  Ann Alimi




Jonathan Ward Trophy - Natural Things Photographer of the Year

The Jonathan Ward Trophy was donated in 2016 by Jonathan Ward, a Past-president of the Club.  It is awarded annually to the Natural Things Photographer of the Year.  The award goes to the maker with the 18 highest scoring Nature / Natural Things images submitted during the year.


Jonathan Ward Trophy - Natural Things Photographer of the Year - Past Winners

2016-2017 Pat Zuest
2017-2018 Pat Zuest
2018-2019 Missy Mandel
2019-2020 Rachel Schneiderman
2020-2021 Roger Correia
2021-2022 Robert Zakrison
2022-2023 Rachel Schneiderman

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