Lorne Rose Trophy (Architecture) Winners

Lorne Rose Trophy (Architecture) Winners

The results of the above competition were announced at the club meeting held on December 10, 2024.

This trophy was donated in 2018 by Lorne Rose, a member of the TDPC.  The subject matter is Architecture.  The Trophy is awarded to the single highest scoring image in the Competition.

This year, 5 Novice, 4 Intermediate and 13 Advanced division members participated in the competition.




Here are this year’s winners…

The Winner of the Novice Division was Susan MacLean with her image, "Geometry in the City".

Novice Runner Up was Susan MacLean.  An Honourable Mention was given to Vera Gillman.

The Winner of the Intermediate Division was Jeff Berger with his image, "Reflecting on Pyramids".

Andrew Chong, who had two images tied for Runner Up, received two Runner Up designations. An Honourable Mention went to Sanlin Wang.

The Winner of the Advanced Division and the overall TROPHY WINNER was Larry Durst with his image, "Ismaili Centre".

Advanced Division Runner Up and TROPHY RUNNER UP was Lorne Rose. Honourable Mentions were given to Lorne Rose (2), Wendy Thurston (2), Larry Durst, Ian Glen, Hanson Cheng, Robert Rutkay, Howard Lipman, Roger Correia and Tony Scopazzi.

Check out all the winning images that placed in this competition in the gallery here.

Members can review all the images, scores and comments here. (To access, you must first log on to the TDPC website)

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